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The Ancient Unconscious: Psychoanalysis and the Ancient Text, Oxford University Press, Classics in Theory Series, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2019.

Pandora's Senses: The Feminine Character of the Ancient Text. Wisconsin University Press, Wisconsin Studies in Classics Series. 2008. Soft Cover Edition 2010. 

Edited Books

Lev Kenaan, V. & Weiss N. (eds.) Odysseus’ Scar: Childhood Memory and Forgetfulness, Collected Essays, Pardes Publishing House & The University of Haifa Press, 2018.

Lev Kenaan, V. & Grover Friedlander, M. (eds.) The Voice and the Gaze: Studies in Literature, Cinema and Opera, Resling Press, Tel-Aviv, 2002. 

Edited Special Journal Issues

Lev Kenaan V. (Ed.), Poetics of Forgetfulness: Literature and DementiaDappim Research in Literature, Vol. 22, University of Haifa, 2020.

Lev Kenaan, V., Sobolev, D. & Gordinsky, N. (eds.) Paul Celan: Poetry, Philosophy and TranslationDappim Research in Literature, Vol. 21, University of Haifa, 2017.

Lev Kenaan, V. & Sobolev, D. (eds.) Children Literature and Childhood Memories, Dappim Research in Literature, Vol. 20, 2016.

Articles in Journals

1.   “Édipo, Odisseu e o retorno da memória" (Oedipus, Odysseus and the Return of Memory) Codex: Revista de Estudos Clássicos 7:1 (June 2019) (Portuguese) pp. 12-22.

2. “Sexuality as Intertextuality: Baudri of Bourgueil and Constance read and Rerwrite Ovid.” differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies, Vol. 29.3, (December 2018) pp. 58-85.

3. “Lamentation on the Acropolis: Freud and the Ancient World,” Mican, Vol. 19, Ben-Gurion University, 2019. (Hebrew) pp. 84-109.

4. "Artemidorus at the Dream Gates: Myth, Theory and the Restoration of Liminality." American Journal of Philology (AJP) 137:2 (Summer 2016) pp. 189-218.

5. "A History of the Feminine Voice: From Sappho to Heloise,” Dappim: Research in Literature, Vol. 19, 2014, pp. 187-218. (Hebrew)

6. "Readers and Writers in the Ancient Novel," Ancient Narrative, Vol.  9, 2010, pp. 121-129.

7. “Dream and Delusion in Apuleius' Metamorphoses,” Classical Antiquity, University of California Press, Vol. 23.2, Oct 2004, pp. 247-284.

8. "The Contribution of Ars and Remedia to the Development of Autobiographical Fiction," Classica et Mediaevalia, vol. 56, December 2005, pp. 167-184.

9. "Dreams and Dream-Narrative in Apuleius' Festival of Laughter", Motar: Journal of the Faculty of the Arts, 8, Tel Aviv University, 2000, pp. 99-108. (Hebrew)  

10. "Fabula Anilis: The Literal as a Feminine Sense: Re-reading Apuleius' Tale of Cupid and Psyche," Latomus: Revue D'etudes Latines, ed. C. Deroux,  2000, pp. 370-391.

11. "On Feminine Textuality in Antiquity," Motar: Journal of the Faculty of the Arts 6, Tel-Aviv University, 1998, pp. 95-100.  (Hebrew) 

Articles in Books

1.  “Love, Sex, and Sexuality: Marriage: The Myth of Intimate Strangers,” in ed., K. Kleiber Hersch, A Cultural History of Marriage in Antiquity, Bloomsbury Academic, 2020, pp.97-112.

2. “Ancient Childhood Memories: From Odysseus’ Scar to the Dream’s Navel.” in Lev Kenaan, V. & Weiss N. (eds.) Odysseus’ Scar: Memory and Identity, Collected Essays, Pardes Publishing House & The University of Haifa Press. 2018, pp. 63-86.

3. "Spectacles of a Dormant Soul: A Reading of Plato's Gyges and Apuleius' Lucius," in Cultural Crossroads in the Ancient Novel, eds., M. Futre Pinheiro, D. Konstan and B. MacQueen, De Gruyter, 2018, pp. 341-359.

4. “"Who Cares Whether Pandora had a Large pithos or Small pyxis?" Jane Harrison and the Emergence of a Dynamic Conception of the Unconscious,” in Classical Myth and Psychoanalysis: Ancient and Modern Stories of the Self, eds. E. O’Gorman & V. Zajko, Oxford University Press, 2013, pp. 97-113.

5. "The Gates of Dreams: Duality and Ambiguity in Ancient Dream Literature," in Fleeting Dreams and Possessive Dybbuks: On Dreams and Possession in Jewish and Other Cultures, eds. R. Elior, Y. Bilu, A. Shinan, Y. Zakovitch, Scholion – Interdisciplinary Research Center in Jewish Studies, The Mandel Institute of Jewish Studies, The Hebrew University Magnes, Jerusalem, 2013, pp. 33-61.

6. “Thauma Idesthai: The Mythical Origins of the Philosophical Wonder,” in Philosophy’s Moods: The Affective Grounds of Thinking, eds. I. Ferber and H. Kenaan, Springer, Contributions to Phenomenology Series, June 2011, pp. 13-26.

7. "Aphrodite the Goddess of Appearances" in Aphrodite Revealed, eds. A. Smith & S. Pickup, Brill, 2011, pp. 29-50.

8. ."The Ancient Road to the Unconscious: On Dream Narratives and Repressed Desires in Ancient Fiction," in Sub Imagine Somni, eds. Ch. Walde & E. Scioli, Edizioni ETS, Firenze, 2010, pp.165-184. 

9. "A. B. Yehoshua: On the Ethical Demand of Literature" in Intersecting Perspectives: Essays on A. B. Yehoshua’s Oeuvre eds. Banbaji, A., Ben-Dov, N. & Shamir, Z., Hakkibutz Hameuchad, 2010, pp. 541-549.

10. "The Seductions of Hesiod: The Place of Pandora in Plato's Symposium," in Plato and Hesiod, eds. J.Haubold & G.R. Boys-Stones, Oxford University Press, 2010, pp.157-175.

11. "A Moderate conversation on the Madness of Love," co-authored with Hagi Kenaan, Plato’s Phaedrus: A new Translation, Xargol Press, 2009, pp. 117-138 (Hebrew)

12. "Platonic Strategies in Ovid's Tales of Love" in Elegy and Narrativity, eds. P. Salzman and G. Lively, Ohio State University Press, 2008, pp.142-162.

13. "The Enigma of Woman: The Mythological Tie between Desire and Knowledge" in Desire, eds. S. Biderman and R. Lazar, Hakkibutz Hameuchad Publishing House, Kav Adom Series, 2007, pp. 79-99. (Hebrew)

14. "Plato and His Predecessors" in Landmarks in Western Literary Criticism, Open University, 2005, pp. 11-90. (Hebrew)

15. "Eros in Plato's Symposium," co-authored with Hagi Kenaan, in Plato's Symposium: A new translation, Xargol Books, 2003 pp. 126-144 (Hebrew) 

16. “Images of Silence in Ovid’s Metamorphoses,” in The Language of Silence, eds. Siegfried Jakel & Asko Timonen, University of Turku, 2002, pp. 182-196.

17. “The Development of the Feminine Voice: From the Hymn of Demeter to Antonia’s Line,” in The Voice and the Gaze: Studies in Literature, Cinema and Opera eds. V. Lev Kenaan, V. & M. Grover Friedlander, Resling Press, Tel-Aviv, 2002, pp. 19-41. (Hebrew)

18. “Truth and Appearance in Roman Comedy", in Essays in Honor of Gordon Williams: Twenty Five Years at Yale, ed. C.Weiss and E.Tylawsky, New Haven, 2001, pp. 147-168.


1.  "For my Children:” Review of Michal Aviad's Documentary film in Studio: Israeli Art Magazine 2003, pp. 26-30. 

2.  Review of Time in Ancient Greek Literature: Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative, Vol 2, ed. I.J.F. De Jong & R. Nünlist, in Ancient Narrative Vol. 8, April, 2009, pp. 137-142.

Publications : Publications
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